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Thursday, January 29, 2009

10 good Asian foods you should have in your refrigerator

What are they, those 10 good Asian foods which you should have in your refrigerator ?

Girls Please read me ;

  1. Drinking water , since water is the most important thing for survive .It help our metabolism to be good and normal . It help us to have good blood system and good heart . We will be strong and have good health and have good system of passing urine and defecation . Water will help Asian girls to have beautiful skin too :) . We should drink room temperature water , it is suitable for our health.

  2. Vegetable , since we need vitamins and minerals. Vegetables are high value food for vitamin and mineral sources and are high in fiber to help about defecation system .

  3. Egg , there are both protein and essential 9 amino acids. Eggs are a source of vitamins and minerals too, such as Vitamin A , B , D and E and Selenium and Iodine. The Egg has a little bit Cholesterol only 230 mg. / 1 egg has less cholesterol than butter , flour , sugar and meat with fat.

  4. Milk , all kinds of milk (cow , soy or yogurt ) because all of them have essential nutrition . Milk from cows will have more essential amino acids than milk from soy.

  5. Fish , protein from fish has low fat, easy to digest and has Omega 3 acid which has DHA and EPA. DHA will be useful for brain , nerves and retina. EPA will help to control cholesterol and reduce Triglyceride.

  6. Sour fruits , sour fruits such as orange , mango , guava have high vitamin C (less sugar than sweet fruits too) . Vitamin C will help to anti radical, help to look young.

  7. Yogurt , there are many vitamins in yogurt such as vitamin A, B1 , B2 , B3 , B6 , B12 , D and E . There is essential acid which help to absorb protein , calcium and iron into body . And help in digestion system , defecation system ,reduce cholesterol and to have beautiful skin .Natural yogurt which have low sugar is the best yogurt for health .

  8. Apple , there are many essential nutrition such as beta carotene and vitamin. And there are high fiber in apple which help to clean intestine. It is better to eat apple with its peel.

  9. Nut , it is a good source of protein same as meat. It is good if you would like to cook vegetarian food and use nut for protein. And there are many kinds of vitamins in nut which is useful for hair , skin and blood pressure . Unsaturated fat in nut will help to reduce cholesterol.

  10. Cereal , kind of corn , millet , sesame , sorghum etc. There are carbohydrates which take time to be digested , it is better than sugar if you would like to control sugar.

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